Why does Lisk have 101 delegates and not less like 51 to increase throughput of blocks generation?

Why does Lisk have 101 delegates and not less like 51 to increase the throughput of blocks generation? I think that the time to validate a block by the network could decrease. However, I understand that having 101 delegates increases redundancy but the standby list of delegates would still exist.

Hi @davinet,

please note that the purpose of this forum is the discussion of well-founded improvements of the Lisk protocol (see the forum guidelines). If you have technical questions regarding the Lisk protocol, please visit Lisk Chat in the future.

Regarding your question: We aim to have a decentralized peer-to-peer network where there is no distinction between delegates and normal nodes (see LIP 0004). In this case, the throughput is mainly bounded by how long one block needs to propagate to all other nodes and how long it takes for nodes to process it, whereas the number of delegates has only little impact on the throughput. Other projects with a rather centralized network architecture let delegates communicate directly and in this case a smaller number of delegates can reduce the communication overhead. Node that, on the other hand, the time to reach consensus and achieve finality can be reduced with a smaller number of consensus participants, see Vlad Zamfir’s tradeoff triangle.


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